I sewed costumes for Halloween. Sarah was Rainbow Brite, Corey was Chewbaca from Star Wars, Amy an Indian princess, and Tim a surfer (the clothes came from his closet, not my sewing machine).
In an attempt to encourage healthy eating (to Tim's embarrassment but today Amy would be proud!), our family treat was small boxes of raisins.
The children trick-or-treated in our new neighborhood. Tom went with them. When they stopped at the Martinez home across the street, they discovered little Jenny was home with a fever and could not go out trick-or-treating.
After our family returned home, Sarah and Amy went through their own bags and assembled a bag of goodies to treat Jenny and her little brother, Anthony. Amy and Sarah walked back across the street and presented the bag of candy to Jenny. She looked at the bag and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
Speaking of thoughtful kids, the day before Halloween Billy took out three bags of garbage without being asked because he sensed my need. These are, indeed, very special children.